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What is an Ultrasound-Guided-Injection?
We use an ultrasound scanner to identify the cause of your pain and when appropriate, we can then inject at exactly the right place to help alleviate your symptoms.
What do we inject?
Corticosteroids, Hyaluronic Acid and Arthrosamid. Hyaluronic acid sounds scary but we actually have it in our bodies already! Our skin is up to 55% Hyaluronic acid so it is an essential part of our make up. Arthrosamid is a hydrogel that is injected into arthritic knees to improve cushioning and reduce pain.
Corticosteroid injections are an excellent treatment for Inflammed joints, tendon sheaths and for individuals with chronic joint pain conditions eg Inflammatory arthritis like Rheumatoid. They are a synthetic version of the body’s own glucocorticoids that help regulate the inflammatory process. They are a strong anti-inflammatory agent which will usually help reduce pain and swelling in the right conditions.
Hyaluronic Acid injections are becoming increasingly popular for individuals with joint pain. Hyaluronic Acid has less harmful effects than cortisone on joints and tendons and the effects can last much longer. For those individuals experiencing pain in a joint that is not responding to conservative treatment, it could offer an alternative option as it is a quick and simple procedure. The other benefit of using Hyaluronic acid is that it can be repeated without long term detrimental effects to a joint or tendon like cortisone can have.
Arthrosamid injections are suitable for those individuals suffering with knee arthritis. It can give long lasting reduction in pain associated with joint degeneration. It is popular for those who want to avoid knee replacement surgery for as long as possible. It is also a popular option if you have tried a range of other therapies but are still struggling. It is important to stress that it is still paramount that it accompanies a structured rehabilitation strengthening plan to achieve the best results.
So what is it?
Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a Gel like substance that is naturally present throughout the human body. Its role is to retain water and keep tissues moist and well lubricated. It is also a natural part of the fluid that lubricates your joints.
Here are 3 key reasons why you should consider a HA injection for your painful joint.
- Lubrication. Hyaluronic acid binds well to water, producing a viscous, jelly-like consistency. This viscous fluid provides lubrication and also acts as a shock absorber within the joint.
- Transport medium for nutrients into the joint. This is what can keep the joint surfaces healthier for longer.
- Reducing inflammation. Hyaluronic acid plays an important role in reducing joint inflammation and pain caused by injury or tissue degeneration. The better quality the lubricating fluid is in the joint the less inflammed your joints will become.
You can read more about Hyaluronic acid injections here.
Arthrosamid Injections
Arthrosamid is a non-biodegradable hydrogel that is injected into the knee joint. It can help restore viscosity within the synovial fluid (joint fluid), improving lubrication and cushioning of the joint. Arthrosamid integrates into the joint lining of the inner joint capsule creating a cushion-like effect.
Here are some key reasons why you should consider a arthrosamid injection for your painful knee joint:
- Research shows that symptomatic relief from knee Osteoarthritis may last over 3 years.
- It’s Simple. The procedure is done within the clinic whilst you are relaxed lying on the treatment table.
- Its safe. It has undergone over two decades of research and development with approximately 1,000,000 hydrogel units used for various indications in the body.
You can read more about our Arthrosamid injections here:
Does it hurt?
Using the ultrasound helps guide us to be as accurate as possible making it a more comfortable procedure than injecting “blind”. This means it will have its best potential for working too. Obviously with any injection there is always a little discomfort at the start.
You could consider having an injection of Corticosteroid if:
- You have severe joint pain eg Frozen shoulder or severe arthritis in a one of your joints
- You have a painful tendon sheath not responding to conservative treatments eg De Quervains.
You could consider having an injection of Hyaluronic acid or Arthrosamid if:
- You have arthritis in a one of your joints and you do not want a steroid injection or to avoid having surgery prematurely.
- You have a painful stiff tendon not responding to conservative treatments.
To have an assessment and discussion with us about if this treatment is suitable for you please use the button below.